Best use of new opportunities
ArghhhhWard of 2002
And the ArghhhhWard goes to...
The music (and entire entertainment industry) for completely ignoring the opportunities and ALL, as one, acting like a schoolboy, not in the ballgame, just because people use the possibilities (sorry, we at dooley.dk, only has a 56K modem, so we've never been on Napster or Kazaa or whatever peer-to-peer programs are named from here on to eternity). Note, that this ArghhhhWard is NOT given to support a 'make it all free' attitude. We fully support the effort of contributing to balance in the pay-back to artists. The ArghhhhWard is given to a industry, that seems to think that THEY create the art and culture, but in reality they are only a distribution channel, like anything else, for artists. So, we are a little !¨^#%¤, over the fact that we still love to give $5, not $15-20, for a sleeve and a nice package, and, according to this industry, we are the almost only one in the world. Of course, if you expect us to buy every kind of crap you put on a CD, and pay more than maybe a max. of ten cent, we will let the reader decide, who is the idiot. As we see it, the majority of the industry has spent 99% of their time, during the first wave of the internet revolution, putting old catalogs on 'Greatest hits' compilations, or 'digital remastering' VHS tapes to DVD, most likely with at profit bigger that you can imagine... A special prize to all those "record companies" who fly in private lear jets, and still think I should pay all of the ride... Guy's THAT show is over...(if you don't get up to date...)
CEO and COW (Chief Operating Witness) Dom E. McLumberJack Esquire, The Swindlers Saloon Syndicate Incorporated, at the 2002 ArghhhhWard ® © show