The city sign of Aarhus
The city sign
of Aarhus

The dome church in the center of Aarhus
The dome church
in the center
of Aarhus

A restaurant called Munkestuen
A restaurant
called Munkestuen

The theater of Aarhus
The theater
of Aarhus

The city hall
The city hall

Welcome to the ExtraTerrestrial homepage of...
va and om Kjeldsen

The family Kjeldsen webpage
Familien Kjeldsen's hjemmeside

We live in the land called Denmark. Now you say, some thing's rotten in the state, but where is Denmark ?. Well, NO, it's not the capital of Sweden! More precisely, we live, in the middle of Denmark, in the city of Aarhus (Århus spelled in Danish). We are a family of 4 homo sapiens, Stig, Nina, Eva and Tom. Beside that we, as many, over the years have and has had species from the animal kingdom, like the fat cat Einstein (*1991+2000) and the lab (under)dog named Pascal (*1991+2001). As a bonus also a aquarium with the king of malles, 22 year old (*1982+2004), Arnold. For the record, he's official latin name is "Hypostomus plecostomus", common fish name is "Common Pleco", and he comes from the Amazonas. We dont update this continuing list since it would take too much of your internet bandwidth to list it all... Look instead below in our Danish "gallery Kjeldsen" for stories, remarks and pictures and check our links to people we know. We welcome you to our family Kjeldsen webpage!

UK flag DK flag Please note, that some parts of this page may be in the Danish (and only Danish) language. This is due to the fact that the family site mainpurpose, beside presenting the family to you, is to enjoy ourselves and relatives, who are mainly located in Denmark and (only) abel to read the Danish language. For all you other good people, check out the pictures, guess, or find a friend who read Danish... for more information on the city of Aarhus, take a look at

Vi bor et land der kaldes Danmark. Nu vil du måske sige at 'der er noget galt i Danmark, Dybbøl mølle maler helt af h.... til...', men hvor ligger Danmark egentlig henne på denne planet ?. Og Nej, Danmark er IKKE hovedstaden i Sverige! Mere præcist, bor vi midt i Danmark, i byen Aarhus (Århus, hvis man foretrækker 'bolle-å'et'). Vi er en familie bestående af 4 medlemmer, af racen homo sapiens, Stig, Nina, Eva og Tom. Ved siden af det, som mange andre, har vi og har haft, mange arter fra dyrenes verden, såsom den fede kat Einstein (*1991+2000) og den godmodige labrador Pascal (*1991+2001). Som en bonus også et akvarium, med kongen over alle sugemaller, den 22 år gamle (*1982+2004) Arnold. Til orientering er hans officielle latinske navn "Hypostomus plecostomus", almindeligvis kaldet "Common Pleco", og han kommer fra Amazon området. Vi opdaterer ikke denne fortsatte liste da det ville optage for meget af din internet båndbredde at liste alle... Se i stedet nedenfor i vores "galleri Kjeldsen" for flere historier, kommentarer og billeder eller check vores links til mennesker vi kender. Velkommen til Familien Kjeldsen hjemmeside!

Galleri Kjeldsen


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Links til folk vi kender :-)

Private Pages - People we know, who is on the WWW

familien Elmholdt's private hjemmeside
Familien Elmholdt's private hjemmeside

Jens og Grete's hjemmeside
Jens og Grete's hjemmeside

Outdated, nedlagte sider, closed pages

Susanne og Franks hjemmeside

Familien Hvids' hjemmeside