The Links...
These pages use JAVASCRIPT...
Note that the Dooley.Dk LINK PAGES use JAVASCRIPT to generate the display of different catagories of links. If you browser don't support javascript, you wont be able to list the link database. Clik here to display a outdated (updated when we feel like...) version of links in pure HTML...
The 'All links' page is BIIIIG...
- this mean that it could take a considerable time for your internet connection to load all the graphics on the page. Therefore we have used some energy, like on the rest of our pages, in making the complete text part of the page load first and therfore fast. After that, your browser will start to get the pictures for every link. Note, that you dont have to wait for graphics to load, to use one of the links. This has been tested for a number of browsers, We hope your browser is one of them... enjoy...
Search it...
- we have made a search function, which find links that match a keyword... Try it here...
This info...
- can also be read on the "All links" page... read it there, while your browser and connection generate the page and grap the graphics...
Linkcheck...(and add...)
How we stand in the everlasting battle for being searched....
AltaVista link:dooley.dk
AltaVista link:www.dooley.dk
AltaVista host:dooley.dk
AltaVista host:www.dooley.dk
AltaVista add url add link
Alltheweb dooley.dk (URL Investigator)
Alltheweb url:dooley.dk
Alltheweb link:dooley.dk
Alltheweb link:www.dooley.dk
Alltheweb host:dooley.dk
Alltheweb host:www.dooley.dk
Alltheweb add url add link
Google link:dooley.dk
Google link:www.dooley.dk
Google site:dooley.dk dooley
Google add url add link
Inktomi linkdomain:dooley.dk
Inktomi linkdomain:www.dooley.dk
Inktomi add url no free add link