Temperature Converter

Fahrenheit to Celsius - Celsius to Fahrenheit - Celsius to Kelvin - Fahrenheit to Kelvin - Kelvin to Fahrenheit - Kelvin to Celsius - and others...

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Precision: While 9/5 equals 1.8, the problem is 5/9 which equals 0.555555555555555... not to mention the various javascript implentations and their often poor and unpredictable handling of floating point arithmetic. So this implies that calculations especially where 5/9 is included are only approximates like °F»°C, °F»K, °R»°C, °R»K. We do not perform any rounding, truncation. The results are presented as raw output from the calculation, which mean that absolute zero for Rankin could present as 5.684341886080802e-14 (0.00000000000005684341886080802) or 0!

Conversion formula's:

Celsius to Fahrenheit - Quick: [multiply by 2 and add 32] Correct: [(celsius * 9/5) + 32]
Fahrenheit to Celsius - Quick: [subtract 32 and divide by 2] Correct: [(fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9]
Celsius to Kelvin - Quick: [add 273] Correct: [celsius + 273.15]
Fahrenheit to Kelvin - Quick: [subtract 32, divide by 2, add 273] Correct: [((fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9) + 273.15]

Temperature measurement history

Fahrenheit, developed in the early 1700's by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, were (and are...) used to record surface temperature measurements by meteorologists in the United States. However, since most of the rest of the world nowaday uses degrees Celsius, developed in the 18th Century, named after the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701-1744), who first proposed the system in 1742, it is important to be able to convert from units of degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. Note that celsius for some reason very often is misspelled celcius! Fahrenheit established 0°F as the stabilized temperature when equal amounts of ice, water, and salt are mixed. He then defined 96°F as the temperature "when the thermometer is held in the mouth or under the armpit of a living man in good health.". In the Celsius scale 0°C and 100°C are arbitrarily placed at the melting and boiling points of water and standard to the metric system. Kelvin is another unit of temperature that is very handy for many scientific calculations, since it begins at absolute zero, meaning it has no negative numbers. Note...the word "degrees" is not used with Kelvin. And Absolute zero (-273.15°C, -459.669... F) is as cold as it get, wherever you plan to travel in the universe.


Source: Dooley.Dk - Inspiration: University of Illinois, www.metric-conversions.org, wikipedia.org