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00101110 01100100 01101011 00001010

to the ET homepage at It's a pleasure to meet you. We assume that someone could come to this website due to a search for 'Extra Terrestrial encounter of any degree' related to 'Unidentified Flying Objects', but we must disappoint you; Dooley.Dk, is curious, like a major part of the rest of this world, of what is outside of our hemisphere. Unfortunately we don't have the capabilities or knowledge of bringing new or old relevant information to this subject. The title of this page where solely picked due to a series of late-night philosophies about the human race and it's continuing and evolving impact on the planet earth. In combination with the art of wearing tuxedos, the relativity of time, the 7 OSI Network Layers theory, the 8th layer introduced by yours truly, and the family letters E and T (which lead to our first mail address it all in all ended up in the creation of, what is now known as, the website Dooley.Dk ®

Above we offer you the opportunity to use the links to various categories of resources on the internet, including our own pages. The ET homepage complex is mainly built as three areas: 1) E-Tools, 2) Links and 3) Various private pages (links above). As a bonus you get our playground area called "The worst designed web page in the world"

DeSiGnEd by Dom E. McLumberjack Esquire a.k.a. Tom "Dooley" Kjeldsen © ™ :-) Feel free to copy elements of the HTML, the CSS, the javascripts and whatever can be copied. Our guess is you would do it anyway... - But we'll give you a smile if you make a link on you page(s) to Please see our "Dooley.Dk Associated domains list" below for a complete list of available links. As stated; feel free to be inspired by design and programming and remember; "Programmers that steal entire solutions are not programmers...". Add your own "twist"!

Send us a e-mail / Send os en post Contact information: , if needed, Tom, the ruler and owner of the Dooley.Dk domain. The ET homepage and Dooley.Dk has been on the World Wide Web since 14th of march 1996. Danish ISP providers: DK-online, Cybercity, Get2net, Tele2adsl - Danish hosting providers: DK-online, Cybercity, Get2net, Web10, TalkActive, One - International hosting providers: GeoCities, FortuneCity, Xoom, NBCi, YahooGeocities. Dooley.Dk has been a internet domain since 28th of february 2000.


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About Javascript: Well, we just said in the paragraph above that java(script) was not necessary for using this site. Okay, we admit, that some (a lot) of our features requires that your browser can handle basic javascript. See our javascript informational page, by clicking here, for more about this subject....although there's javascript on this frontpage, none of it, is essential for viewing or using the page.

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International Webmasters Association and The HTML Writers Guild member Our design objectives are: fast page and text loading, logical overview and still the possibility of showing as many options as we want to the user. An important issue has been to make "tapping" on the page, keyboard friendly, meaning that you're welcome to use your mouse, but we prefer the keyboard, since most of our applications still refuse to understand it, when we talk to them.

If you have read this far, we're impressed (you may be the first on the internet...), and we hereby, in this moment of time, award you with the 11POT prize : 'Possible persistent prize peeking plus preserving pages pointing pieces preferable petabytes OF TEXT!' - we do not hate pictures, movies, wav, mp3 and whatever fills up the net, the wire and the harddisk, but we still see them as 'cheap' on counting bytes versus value. Although we agree that sometimes a picture says more than 1000 words, we could point out that one second of our digital home movie, un-compressed, takes the same space as the complete bible. Therefore we choose to supply this site with, as we hope informative, PLAIN TEXT in conjunction with our other digital media offers. Congratulations!!! banner add

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We are member of several webrings. Click this 'memberships here' link to view the list of all our webring memberships.

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The Dooley.Dk U.R.L.


"We use counters, we have joined different website chart systems and of course see the basic logs on our pages. All those systems report different results, so we don't really take is as anything but trends in traffic. Primary we use statistics to improve the visual experience of our website, based on facts like screen resolution and browser usage. From time to time we are curious of which area of the earth, outside our own, you come from and especially which of our pages you choose to use. We are NOT curious of who you actually are, where you where, when you came to our website and where you are going. In other words we only check (from time to time if we find the time...) if anybody (beyond ourselves) use our pages. We will never, never make any information public to anyone, which could identify anybody, including ourselves! Thanks, so much, to you for taking the choice of visiting Dooley.Dk"

Dooley.Dk is printed in verdana. 'Printed' in the wide interpertation af the word, depicting everything from display in early netscape browsers of previous centuries over PDA's like Cellphone and IPOD mobile units, to future virtual expressions of the current ever evolving world wide web. Rumour say Matthew Carter designed the typeface typography Verdana (1996) specifically for viewing on a computer screen. Dooley.Dk is designed by Tom Kjeldsen, using only text based HTML tag coding, in tools like HTML KIT 292. © 1996 - Ongoing patents pending...
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Count on it

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Dizzy ?, Okay, let's
take an easy one.
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Wrong, again,
quit surfin'
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Since July 1997

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The DIScussion CLAIMER
I claim the full copyright to the links, since I saw them first, or did I ?.
Is it my link, because I know it's out there,
or is the link owned by the person or company it points to ?.
Are links tax-free ?. Are links freeware ?.
Will the law come after me,
for publicizing bad, misleading or invalid links ?.
Not to mention the missing links ?.
No, I guess I disclaim the copyright to the links,
actually, I also disclaim what they point to.
I'll just let you enjoy your continuing travel out into cyberspace...
May your mind be with you, Tom H. Kjeldsen, Aarhus, Denmark, 1999.
The Graphics disclaimer
Most of the graphics on these pages are created by me
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A few graphics on these pages are not produced by me.
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are often presented by an image grapped from the target site.
These graphics are in most cases
property of the owners of the target link.
If I have violated someone's feelings on that account,
again, do not hesitate to mail me.
Tom H. Kjeldsen, Aarhus, Denmark, 1998.
Who did this ?

Tom Kjeldsen
Well, I'm a guy living in Denmark.
Though I make a living messing around with computers,
the internet and the world wide web and it's homepage creation
is only a hobby through which I can explore the good's,
the bad's and the ugly's
of this "mis- and information highway".
You can (and my family) if you have something to say... Enjoy...
Tom H. Kjeldsen, Aarhus, Denmark, 1996.

Kjeldsen nautisk logo